
What You Should Know About Intimate Wellness and Treatment Options

What You Should Know About Intimate Wellness And Treatment Options

What You Should Know About Intimate Wellness and Treatment Options

We as women spend a lot of time taking care of our skin, face, and body — at least the body parts visible to everyone. We spend our hard-earned time and money undergoing procedures that can enhance and improve our appearances.

However, we forget our women’s health deserves attention and concern. Especially after having children and the overall aging process we all as women experience.

Intimate Wellness in a Nutshell

Your feminine wellness is as essential as your facial and body wellness. Thankfully, the times have changed now, and more women are becoming more interested in intimate wellness. They realized the importance of putting the exact same care into their intimate wellness the same way as they undergo cosmetic treatments to improve the quality of their skin. Women need to take care of their intimate areas. Many women’s issues and areas of concern are urinary leakages (especially with activity), dryness, and irritation due to lack of moisture, discomfort, or a seeming lack of sensation.

At Women’s Health Associates, we are proud to offer the CO2RE Intima laser for intimate wellness and health. This laser by Candela is an in-office, non-surgical procedure with little to no downtime. CO2RE Intima can help with vaginal tightness, tone and improve natural lubrication. It can also help with urinary leakage. Three treatments one month apart provide the best results, with some patients needing an annual touch-up. This procedure is very comfortable with mild to no discomfort.

It is important to stress that the procedures geared towards intimate wellness are proven to be safe, clean, and non-invasive. When the specialists perform these procedures, women feel more secure because they know they are in good hands.

Our Takeaway

It is essential to take care of your intimate parts the same way you take care of your face and body. At WHA, you do not need to worry about feeling embarrassed and while undergoing these procedures. Lastly, CO2RE Intima is a non-invasive to minimally invasive procedure without any downtime or side effects.

Women’s Health Associates is committed to serving every female client and helping with their intimate wellness needs and concerns. Aside from CO2RE Intima, Dahlia by WHA offers many other cosmetic services with a goal to provide the best quality services for their clients.