
Varicose Veins and Spider Veins: Causes and Treatments

Spider Veins

Varicose Veins and Spider Veins: Causes and Treatments

Spider veins are usually red, blue, or purple and often look like a spider’s web. Spider veins can form on the legs, usually presenting later in life, and can be quite unsightly.

So what exactly are spider veins? How do they form? And how can you get rid of them?

We will answer those questions in this article and give you more information on what you can do about it.

Spider Veins Explained

Spider veins are a specific type of smaller, more superficial varicose vein. Varicose veins occur when the valves in your veins stop working properly. The valves prevent blood from flowing backward, but the blood can flow backward and pool in your veins when they are not working properly. This can cause the veins to enlarge and become twisted.

Spider veins are the smaller version of varicose veins, and they often appear on the skin’s surface. They are usually found on the legs but can also form on the face. These two can be very difficult to tell apart, but spider veins are usually not painful at all or nearly as painful as varicose veins.

Causes of Spider Veins

We all know that spider veins can be caused by several factors, one of the main causes is pregnancy. The extra weight can put pressure on the veins during pregnancy and cause spider veins to form.

Another cause of spider veins is sitting or standing for long periods. This is because gravity will cause the blood to pool in your veins, leading to spider veins over time.

Lastly, spider veins can be caused by injuries. If you have an injury to your leg, the spider veins can form at the injury site.

Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins

Spider and varicose veins are often confused, but there are some key differences between the two.

Varicose veins are noticeably larger than spider veins and are usually found deeper under the skin. They can be painful and often lead to ulcers. On the other hand, Spider veins are smaller and found closer to the skin’s surface. They are usually not and usually don’t lead to ulcers.

Another key difference is that varicose veins are usually hereditary, while spider veins are not. If you have family members suffering from varicose veins, you are more likely to get them yourself. On the other hand, spider veins can be caused by lifestyle choices or injuries.

What Can We Do About It?

There are a lot of different treatment options for spider veins. The most common one is sclerotherapy. This is a procedure where a needle is used to inject a solution into the spider vein. The solution will then cause the spider vein to collapse and disappear.

Another option is laser treatment. This procedure involves using a laser to destroy the spider vein. The heat from the laser will cause the spider vein to collapse and disappear. We use the Vasculaze laser In mode at Dahlia by WHA.

There are also some things you can try to do to avoid developing spider veins or preventing additional from coming up if you already have a few. These include wearing compression stockings, exercising, avoiding prolonged sitting, and elevating your legs.

Are These serious?

No, spider veins are not particularly serious. However, if they are bothersome to you, some treatments can help with the appearance of the spider veins.


If you are interested in treatment for spider veins, the staff at Dahlia by WHA would love to meet with you to see if you are a candidate for Vasculaze by In mode.
Dahlia by WHA also offers many other cosmetics and aesthetic services that may be right for you!